Head of Anti Financial Crime - Bluestep Bank

About Bluestep
At Bluestep Bank, we are passionate about enabling more people to get a mortgage. Our vision is to increase financial inclusion in society in a responsible way; by embracing our customers’ differences and focusing on their future potential.
As part of our company, you will be part of an open-minded and inclusive culture, characterized by engagement and innovation where we dare to challenge and change. We believe in the values of co-operation and different perspectives. For the right person, we provide great opportunities for an exciting career. Welcome as you are.
About the position
As Head of Anti Financial Crime, where your previous experience is important to expand the competence within the function, you will be in charge of all disciplines within the Anti Financial Crime area across all businesses and locations (Sweden, Norway and Finland) and have staff responsibility of 1 FTE. You will report to our Chief Legal Officer and the function operates in the first line of defense. The position will include tasks such as:
- Strengthen Bluestep Bank’s ability to identify and manage risks within the Anti Financial Crime Area
- Lead and coordinate the day-to-day job within the unit
- Ensure process efficiency in CDD/EDD processes, fraud risk management and transaction monitoring and where needed enhance and develop existing processes.
- Evaluate and update parameters in the transaction monitoring system
- Prepare and report cases to FIU’s where needed
- Investigate and respond to requests from the Police
- Work closely with the Special Appointed Executive and the AML/CFT Compliance Office to update the general risk assessment for AML/TF and be a supportive stakeholder
- Lead and participate in projects regarding improvements within the Anti Financial Crime area in all businesses where Bluestep Bank operates in.
- Work closely with- and support the business operations and set-up new processes to manage AML and Fraud risks in product development or in significant process changes
- Identify and evaluate new financial crime trends
- Educate the business within the Anti Financial Crime Area
- Perform internal controls in the first line of defense
Your profile
We are looking for someone who has at least five years of experience within Financial Crime, up to date knowledge of the European Financial Crime regulatory framework, investigation and reporting experience. You have a “can-do” attitude and enjoy working closely with the business operations, combined with high integrity and strong communicative skills. You are not afraid to do the day-day job and at the same time be able to work strategically.
You have an academic background in either economics, law or equivalent and have experience working within a financial institution. You speak English and Swedish fluently and another Nordic language will be seen as meritorious.
Bluestep Bank is an affiliate to SwedSec Licensiering AB and a Swedsec license focusing on mortgages is a plus.
What we offer
Are you looking for a company that is at the forefront and where the culture is characterized by entrepreneurship and commitment. A challenger in a traditional industry that is growing and will continue to do so. Then perhaps Bluestep is something for you. With us, you get the opportunity to work with colleagues who stand for high competence and professionalism.
The process is ongoing, which is why we look forward to your application as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please contact Johan Kjellberg at Brillo Search AB.
- Affärsområden
- Finance/Legal
- Roll
- Bank
- Platser
- Stockholm
- Remote status
- Hybridarbete

Om Brillo Search
På Brillo Search AB värdesätter vi mångfald och strävar efter att skapa en inkluderande arbetsmiljö där alla anställda känner sig värderade och respekterade. Vår mångfaldspolicy återspeglar vårt åtagande att främja jämställdhet, eliminera diskriminering och värdesätta mångfald i alla aspekter av vår verksamhet.
Nyckelkomponenter i vår mångfaldspolicy inkluderar:
Tillhandahålla lika möjligheter vid rekrytering, urval och search för alla kandidater och konsulter, oavsett t.ex. ras, hudfärg, religion, kön, sexuell läggning eller ålder. Detta tillgodoser vi bl.a. genom att använda kompetensbaserad intervjuteknik. Vi är även uppmärksamma på att alla searchmetoder och procedurer är objektiva och fria från diskriminering och partiskhet.
Uppmuntra mångfald på vår arbetsplats och aktivt främja en inkluderande kultur genom fortlöpande utbildning för alla anställda.
Uppmuntra öppen dialog, tolerans och ömsesidig respekt mellan anställda, konsulter och kunder och främja förståelse för fördelarna med mångfald på arbetsplatsen.
Regelbundet övervaka och granska vår mångfaldspolicy och praxis för att säkerställa att de är effektiva och i linje med gällande lagstiftning.
Vi är fast beslutna att skapa en inkluderande arbetsplats och uppmuntrar våra anställda att stödja denna policy och främja en kultur av mångfald och jämlikhet.
Head of Anti Financial Crime - Bluestep Bank
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